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Makna Hari Kartini

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Setiap Tanggal 21 April Bangsa Indonesia memperingari Hari Kartini, dimana sebagai Pahlawan Perempuan pertama yang mensejajarkan derajat perempuan dengan kaum pria. Untuk mengingat kembali sejarah tentang siapa sebenarnya R.A Kartini, jelasnya R.A Kartini adalah seseorang dari kalangan priyayi atau kelas bangsawan jawa, puteri dari Raden Mas Sosroningrat, Bupati Jepara.

R.A Kartini merupakan anak perempuan tertua, dan merupakan keturunan keluarga yang cerdas juga pintar dalam bidang bahasa. Di usia 12 tahun, Kartini diperbolehkan bersekolah di ELS (Europese Lagere School). Beliau belajar bahasa Belanda, tetapi tidak lama setelah itu ia harus tinggal dirumah karena sudah bisa dipingit.
Karena Kartini bisa berbahasa Belanda, maka di rumah ia mulai belajar sendiri dan menulis surat kepada temanteman korespondensi yang berasal dari Belanda. Salah satunya adalah Rosa Abendanon yang banyak mendukungnya. Dari buku‐buku, koran, dan majalah Eropa, Kartini tertarik pada kemajuan berpikir perempuan Eropa. Timbul keinginannya untuk memajukan perempuan pribumi, dimana kondisi sosial saat itu perempuan pribumi berada pada status sosial yang rendah.

Perhatiannya tidak hanya semata‐mata soal emansipasi wanita, tapi juga masalah sosial umum. Kartini melihat perjuangan perempuan agar memperoleh kebebasan, otonomi dan persamaan hukum sebagai bagian dari gerakan yang lebih luas.
Oleh orang tuanya R.A Kartini disuruh menikah dengan bupati Rembang, Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat, yang sudah pernah memiliki tiga istri. Kartini menikah pada tanggal 12 November 1903. Suaminya mengerti keinginan Kartini dan Kartini diberi kebebasan dan didukung mendirikan sekolah wanita di sebelah timur pintu gerbang kompleks
kantor kabupaten Rembang, atau di sebuah bangunan yang kini digunakan sebagai Gedung Pramuka.
Setelah melahirkan putera pertama dan terakhirnya, yaitu R.M Soesalit, yang lahir pada tanggal 13 September 1904, beberapa hari kemudian R.A Kartini meninggal pada usia 25 tahun, dan dimakamkan di Desa Bulu, Kecamatan Bulu, Rembang.
Berkat kegigihannya Kartini, kemudian didirikan Sekolah Perempuan oleh Yayasan Kartini di Semarang pada 1912, dan kemudian di Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon dan daerah lainnya. Nama sekolah tersebut adalah "Sekolah Kartini". Yayasan Kartini ini didirikan oleh keluarga Van Deventer, seorang tokoh Politik Etis.

Presiden Soekarno mengeluarkan Keputusan Presiden RI No 108 Tahun 1964, tanggal 2 Mei 1964 yang menetapkan hari lahir Kartini, tanggal 21 April, untuk diperingati setiap taun sebagai hari besar yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Hari Kartini.

Mengingat perjuangan R.A Kartini yang begitu besar, sebagai kaum perempuan saat ini bebas memilih apa yang menjadi keinginannya, apa menjadi ibu rumah tangga, perempuan karir, perempuan pelajar, bergelar, perempuan pekerja sekaligus ibu rumah tangga dan sebagainya. Tapi masih banyak juga kaum perempuan yang menjadi tindak kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual baik di rumah tangga ataupun yang bekerja menjadi Tenaga Kerja Wanita di Luar Negeri, tanpa melupakan kodratnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang harus menjadi panutan keluarga .Masih banyak juga kaum perempuan yang sudah tua renta menjadi tulang punggung keluarga dengan bekerja sebagai kuli panggul, ataupun pemulung, dan tidak sedikit juga perempuan yang menjadi pengemis jalanan, penjual seks komersial karena tidak punya keahlian atau terbatas kemampuan baik dari pendidikan dan latar belakang. Tapi semua itu mereka kerjakan demi kelangsungan hidup yang harus dijalani tanpa berpikir panjang.

Dengan demikian bagi sebagian perempuan, perjuangan kaum perempuan belum selesai sampai sekarang, karena masih banyak kaum perempuan yang masih berjuang untuk hidupnya dan keluarganya. Dan Apapun pekerjaannya mereka hanya berpikir untuk hidup, tidak peduli dengan apa itu hari kartini. Tidak ada perayaan atau apapun sebagai peringatan hari pejuang wanita Indonesia tersebut, tapi tetap R.A Kartini selalu dikenang kaum perempuan.

Beda halnya dengan sekolah‐sekolah baik TK, SD, SMP atau SMA yang sebagian masih memperingati Hari kartini dengan berbagai kegiatan seperti peragaan busana adat, lomba cipta karya, puisi kepahlawanan dan sebagainya yang menjadi moment penting mengingat perjuangan R.A Kartini. Karena pada dasarnya makna Hari Kartini adalah
hari perjuangan pahlawan wanita Indonesia.

Jangan pernah menyerah, teruslah berjuang untuk kemajuan dan kemandirian kaum perempuan Indonesia. Selamat Hari Kartini.

New York City: The American Dream

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Statue of LibertyNew York epitomises the American Dream, “Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness”. With over 8.2 million residents at the last census in 2005, 36% of the population born outside the USA, and 170 languages spoken within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City is the biggest, most cosmopolitan and densely populated city in the United States. For more than a century it has been one of the world's major centres of commerce and finance. New York is rated as an alpha world city for its global influence in media, politics, education, entertainment and fashion. NYC is the city where everything is possible! City of Freedom!

New York, New York

NYC by nightLet's face it New York City has it all! From historic landmarks and Broadway theatres to hundreds of museums - attractions are everywhere! The Big Apple has so much to see that it is hard to know where to start. Don’t miss the world-famous Times Square, the breathtaking views from the Empire State Building, Wall Street, the Museum of Modern Art masterpieces, the Chrysler Building, the Rockefeller Centre with its Radio City music hall and numerous shopping and dining opportunities and the Statue of Liberty, New York's historic symbol of freedom. Central Park has offered a welcome escape from the concrete jungle of New York City for over 150 years. Take a walk, a boat ride or just enjoy a picnic in Central Park and discover for yourself why Central Park is so popular.

Multi-cultural Environment

New York consists of 5 boroughs, each one with its specific ambience and attractions. NYC CrowdThe largest is Brooklyn, rich in history, a diverse cultural landscape, with attractions like Brooklyn Bridge or the world famous Coney Island Beach. The Bronx,a world-famous attraction in itself, is diverse in artistic expression, has miles of parks, and over 60 landmarks and historic districts as where break dancing and hip hop were born. Home of the expansive Central Park, Manhattan is the essential chic, exclusive NYC borough. Queens, a borough of choices, was recently named the most diverse county in the nation. And finally Staten Island located near Queens, is rich in New York history with its many historical sites, colonial buildings and the city's oldest elementary school. No doubt you’ll find something to see or to do in each of the New York boroughs.

Where everything is bigger...

Skyscrapers NYCThe world's tallest buildings are in New York. From the Park Row Building, to the Singer Building, or the MetLife Building, then the Manhattan Company tower, the Chrysler and Empire State Buildings, to the World Trade Centre and its proposed replacement, New York has been a world leader in stretching its achievements skyward. Despite the forest of skyscrapers, most buildings have distinctive looks and special features. Admire the view from the top, put your head in the clouds!


Ocean sailing

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ocean sailing is significantly different than coastal cruising or sailing in protected bays, lakes or rivers, and it requires an entire new set of additional skills and knowledge.

In protected waters, the sailor needs boat handling and basic navigation skills. For coastal cruising along the edges of the ocean, the additional skills of cruise planning, boat maintenance, over-night sailing, crew management, collision avoidance and coastal navigation are needed.

For blue water ocean sailing, perpendicular to the coastline, sailors must have the skills, knowledge and confidence that they can deal with whatever comes along. This confidence comes with the experience of having actually been there in a small boat, on a large ocean, in a variety of weather conditions, and without outside assistance. But, confidence also comes from knowing the potential dangers and knowing one's capabilities in dealing with these dangers. Pre-voyage preparation must therefore include thorough research into the conditions to be expected and an evaluation of one's ability to deal with those conditions.

Our Ocean Training Cruises are designed to help sailors with inland and coastal experience make the transition to blue water ocean sailing. We have a structured program conducted by highly experienced Ocean Captains on rugged Ocean Yachts. You will learn by doing the important elements of cruise planning, yacht preparation, crew management, weather analysis, ocean navigation, watchkeeping, heavy weather, emergencies, collision avoidance and more. We've conducted our Ocean Training Cruises program since 1993 using Island Packet ocean yachts and graduated many hundreds of sailors from this program. Read the Ocean Reports of some of these past cruises, and see our Course Descriptions and Schedule of Courses for dates and fees for upcoming courses.


Desert Hot Spring, Spa Hotel

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Built in classic Mid-Century Modern style, the 50-room Desert Hot Springs Spa hotel offers eight natural hot mineral water pools – one Olympic size pool and seven large circular jacuzzi and soaking pools ranging in temperature from 70°F to 104°F. Spa-goers and sun worshippers come from far and wide to partake in the restful and relaxing atmosphere.

Each large guestroom features either a king size bed or two queen size beds. Our minisuites feature a king size bed, sofa bed, and refrigerator. Poolside and minisuite rooms have a private patio, which allows easy access to the pools. Balconied rooms overlook the pool courtyard from an enclosed balcony, and our mountain view rooms enjoy a spectacular view of the San Jacinto mountains.

The Sunshine Café can serve you almost anything you want at an affordable price. We are open every day from 7 am to 11 pm with room service available. Enjoy your favorite beverage in our Lounge or poolside while you sun and soak. The Lounge overlooks the pool area with all the happy hot pool soakers and swimmers.

Want to stay the night with us?
We offer affordable room rates for one to as many nights as you would like to stay, or try our Spa Package. Room rates range between $89 and $139 per night. Contact us any way you like.

e-mail: info@dhsspa.com
toll free: 800-808-7727
direct: 760-329-6000
fax: 760-329-6915

Falling in Love with the City of Lights in Paris

Paris, France
Anyone who has been to Paris begins to smile when the city is mentioned. A thousand writers have described her a thousand ways, and while all of the lofty descriptions are true, there is still something quite magical about this city that simply must be experienced to be understood.

Any time of year is a good time to visit this city, but the springtime is possibly the best of all. The city begins to reawaken after winter and the sights seem fresher, the coffee stronger, and people friendlier.

Of course, the Eiffel Tower is unmissable. Originally built as a temporary structure to celebrate the milennium of 1900, it has since been reinforced and kept, to the bemusement of many Parisians and the delight of most visitors. While most visitors take the elevator the top (€15), some climb the stairs. Neither of these things is necessary however, as the view tends to be hampered by the safety cages, as well as the other tourists.

The Louvre is next. This famous art gallery is home to the Venus de Milo and of course, the Mona Lisa, who is rather smaller than expected. Getting in to the Louvre can be a little confusing, as the entrance is in the middle of the square and there are no signs. Just join the long queue.

Walking around Paris is really the best way to explore. Despite it's enormous reputation, the city is surprisingly compact, as long as you are wearing comfortable shoes. If not, hop on and off the Metro (clean, fast and efficient) when you have bought your carnet of tickets (a book of ten costs around €13). Maps are readily available, and the whole system makes sense even if you don't speak the language.

Despite the stereotype, Parisians are much warmer than most other city-dwellers in the world, and if you need any help you will be surprised at how readily it is offered. Most Parisians speak English (even the beggars are bi- or tri-lingual!) and will be willing to give you directions.
Looking around the Notre Dame Cathedral, strolling downs the Champs Elysees or taking yet another photo of the Arc de Triomphe, cost nothing and are such a giddy thrill that it is easy to drop any snobbery you may have about being a tourist. A wander through the Paris Opera House will cost around €7 but is definitely worth it, especially if there are no rehearsals or performances on and you can explore the gilt and velvet auditorium.

If you are visiting from the US and are feeling a little home-sick, head off the beaten path to Ile aux Cygnes (Swans Island) in front of the Pont de Grenelle. Here you will find the Statue of Liberty, facing West towards the US, and her sister in New York City.

During the summer months of July and August, the City of Paris operates a 'beach' on the River Seine. Distributing deck-chairs, umbrellas and games, the local council also close the area off the traffic. Sand is trucked in (makes the volleyball games more fun) and seeing Parisians lounging around in bikinis in the middle of the city is something of an eyebrow-raiser.

Hotels in Paris range from the ultra-budget (€20 - €50 per night for hostels and cheap hotels) to the ultra-luxurious (over €1500 per night for an old-world luxury suite). Most double rooms sell for around €80 - €130 per night.

Use the Hotelsio Rate Finder on the left to find cheap hotels in Paris.


Sun, Surf, Sand and Culture in Hawaii

Hawaii has been a US state for less than fifty years and retains its sense of being a nation unto itself. Although the facilities are like those of any developed country, the natural scenery and laid-back local attitude really does make this collection of tropical islands the playground of America.

Of all the Hawaiian islands, Oahu is the best place to start. Part thriving metropolis, and part gateway to the natural beauty that typifies Hawaii, Oahu combines the best of everything that this part of the world has to offer.

Hawaii's iconic cultural attractions are here – Pearl Harbor, the Polynesian Cultural Center (with its engaging mixture of museum-style information, village life, dance, food and art) and Waikiki, the surfing center of the Western hemisphere. There are some of the best golf courses in the world on Oahu and the capital city Honolulu offers world-class shopping, nightlife and restaurants. Just outside the city are abundant ways for visitors to enjoy themselves: Kayaking, snorkelling, helicopter and glider tours, skydiving, shark diving and horseback riding are offered by local companies and the choice range is much wider on Oahu than on any other island.

This is not to say that Oahu is the only island worth visiting. If you have more than a couple of days in Hawaii, it is well worth your while to get off the beaten path. Big Island, or Mauna Kea, is the home of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. One of the most unique national parks on the planet, the landscape here is arid and dynamic – these volcanoes are still active and molten lava is a normal sight. The park is well signposted, and guides are readily available – despite the dangerous nature of the park, every possible precaution has been taken to keep visitors in one piece.

Kauai is the island that arguably offers the most natural beauty in Hawaii. Waimea Canyon is here (also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific) as is the Napali Coast – fifteen miles of wild coastline that houses dropoffs and precipices that will make even the most height-proof visitor feel a little woozy. Although Kauai has the feel of a remote and isolated island, there are plenty of facilities set up for tourists, and organized boat trips that provides the best snorkeling spots (as well as lunch) are easy to find.

The best way to really get away from it all is to organize a night on a deserted island. Boats leave from Honolulu that will take you and your party to one of the uninhabited islands that pepper the region, dropping you off for the night and picking you up the next day – food, shelter and drinks are included in the price - perfect for honeymooners.

Hotels in Hawaii aren't cheap at any time of year. The average range is $200 per night, although you can occasionally find online specials for around $120 per night..

Use the Hotelsio Rate Finder on the left to find cheap hotels in Hawaii.



Wednesday, December 30, 2009
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